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Feb. 9, 2015
 Town of Princeton, Mass. – Feb. 9, 2015  - Minutes  -  BOARD OF SELECTMEN   
6:15 PM   The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Neil Sulmasy, Edith Morgan, Stan Moss, and Town Administrator John Lebeaux and interim T.A. Robert Reed

New Business
Mickey Splaine from Road Advisory Committee was in for status update on TIP process for portion of Main Street (Rt. 140), East Princeton, in proximity to Sawyer Field. The road reconstruction needs a strip of land and easements around the Leominster Road corner. Utility poles and guy wire anchors will impinge into park property for about 100’ along the side of park that borders Main Street. This means pushing the fence line back a few feet and also constructing a new fence and a retaining wall as part of the project. Mr. Splaine met with Parks & Rec Committee and they approved the proposed site work considering that it will improve the park by upgrading parking and access. Neil S. warned that moving or reconstructing the swing set might require that the equipment meet new code specs, and there is no budget to cover new play equipment.
        To transfer use of park property into transportation use, it needs a 2/3 vote at Town Meeting. The board voted all in favor to approve the proposed site changes to Sawyer Field.

6:30 PM  Two Advisory Board members, John Shipman and Bill Lawton, were in to discuss FY 16 Budget Development. John L. went through department budget items which he’s gathered to date, with almost all expenses level-funded and any salary increases as per personnel policy. He proposes a $10,000 increase to the Reserve Fund and a 10 percent increase in maintenance/repair funding for town buildings. Regional dispatch will cost less, possibly by half, from previous years, and selectmen support increasing the regional animal control officer hours to 40 per week.
        John L. reported that Monty Tech would be in to outline their budget Feb. 23; WRSD committee members would be in with their budget on March 9 and the Highway Department would be in April 6. John L. will send out info to selectmen on capital requests and special expenditures that he’s received to date. The Town Clerk is requesting a new ballot tabulator at $8,000 and the Cemetery Commission wants a new mower at $6,000. The commission also requests that the supervisor, Andy Brown, move from a flat stipend to an hourly rate of $18 for an average weekly work time of 10 hours. The Broadband Committee requests $2,000 instead of the FY’15 amount of $1,000, as dues for Wired West is $1,000.
        The R.A.C. is requesting an increase to $350,000 from last year’s $175,000 for road reconstruction. This would bring it up to a pre-2008 level. The debt on the Bentley open space purchase is set to expire in FY’18.
        Selectmen tabled Parks & Recreation appointment for lack of information—they had received a recommendation for a candidate but were unclear about it possibly being for an alternate member.

Old Business
7:30 PM  Interim TA Bob Reed agreed to meet the Fire Dept. staff when they train on Tuesday night. He has already met other departments and staff.
        The board voted all in favor to release John L. from his post as Princeton T.A. on Feb. 12 at noon, so that Bob can get sworn in before Town Clerk leaves. John L. asked that he be allowed, after Thursday, to submit the T.A. Annual Report along with some comments in staff personnel files—instead of conducting evaluations.

Other Business
7:40 PM  An appropriation will be needed for the Highway Dept. Snow & Ice Fund to avoid a deficit, so to make that possible, selectmen voted all in favor to approve deficit spending for the remainder of FY’15. Transfers can then be made from other funds.
        Stan reported on Broadband Committee activities, including the appointment of a new president to the Mass. Broadband Initiative, who will meet with the Princeton group in Westboro on Feb. 12. Also, bond counsel wants to see a better contract document, one providing “substantial control” and something more workable than current drafts.
        Each selectman then thanked John L. for his service both on personal and political levels, and Neil cites him bringing customer service to a higher level. John said he loved working in Princeton and was grateful for all the support he’s had.

Minutes and Warrants
Selectmen voted all in favor to approve regular meeting minutes for Jan. 29; approve executive session minutes of Jan. 29 but release only the portion dealing with Bob Reed’s contract, which has been signed.
Review and approve vendor and payroll warrants: FY15 #16

8:05 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,  Marie N. Auger, administrative assistant

BOS Referenced Documents: Parks & Recreation recommendation; FY’16 budget summary spreadsheet; capital requests from Cemetery Commission and for voting machine including price quote

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department